"Remembering" with Donald MacKay (BS 157)
This month’s episode of Brain Science features Dr. Donald MacKay, author of Remembering: What 50 Years of Research with Famous Amnesia Patient H.M. Can Teach Us about Memory and How It Works. H.M. may have been the most studied patient in history, but MacKay's work uncovers some surprising discoveries about the role of the hippocampus in language, as well as important implications for the aging brain.
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Links and References:
Remembering: What 50 Years of Research with Famous Amnesia Patient H.M. Can Teach Us about Memory and How It Works by Donald G. MacKay
BS 129 Interview with Dr. Brenda Milner from 2008
Permanent Present Tense: The Unforgettable Life of the Amnesic Patient, H. M. by Suzanne Corkin
Patient H.M.: A Story of Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets by Luke Dittrich
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