Comments from Listeners and Guests
Brain Science is among my top podcasts as a listener and, from the other end, I have never felt I was in better hands than with Ginger Campbell when I was a guest. It is clear she has carefully read the books of the scientists she is interviewing. She absolutely does her homework, leading to discussions that are lively yet organized—masterfully using sound to connect the interviewee to the listener in a way that is both insightful and energizing. Ginger has a knack for allowing a conversation to flow organically, while keeping it focused in a way that is essential for listeners who may be thinking about a given topic for the first time. I especially appreciate her final wrap-ups where she leaves the listener with a summary of her thoughts on the book. It provides closure while often whetting my appetite for reading the book under consideration.
—Nina Kraus, author of Of Sound Mind: How Our Brain Constructs a Meaningful Sonic World (featured on BS 192)
Dr Evaleen jones, Stanford University school of medicine
"Your podcast clearly reflect your TREMENDOUS devotion to inspiring young scientists - getting them warmed up about neuroscience in a very non-intimidating manner...
You take amazingly detailed, complex concepts and translate them into 'bite-sized' concepts easy for non-scientists to consume. Your "words of advice" for young scientists are always worthwhile pearls of wisdom, and your commentaries and 'side conversations' regarding scientific methods, ethics of research are always enlightening!
Best of all is that your thoughtfulness and humility permeate the conversations..."
Gino Tanesescu
Tennis Pro
"Though I may be accused of binge-listening, I have, indeed, consumed every BSP episode. Dr. Campbell is one of the most prepared hosts on the internet and never fails to deliver meaty, insightful discussions. Aside from the fascination of how the brain works, I've actually been able to apply some of the knowledge I've gleaned directly to my tennis teaching by way of guests like Sian Beilock Choke, David Eagleman and Antonio Damasio, not to mention how and why people behave as we do. I may have even become more tolerant of others as a result of that understanding. One can only hope."
Shirley A. Smith
Fulshear, Texas
Currently enjoying being Nana to 3 grandchildren.
"Ginger Campbell is a National Treasure! I met her by sheer chance on the tennis court. Later, while she was helping me with a “big” upgrade on my Apple computer, I excitedly told her about a podcast I had just heard on Radio Lab. Naturally she said, "Well, you might enjoy my podcast." Well indeed!!! We are so fortunate to have someone putting out this podcast. I love how Ginger can take an issue concerning the brain and so plainly explain the significance. I have gone back and listened to every episode. The Brain Science Podcast really is "the show for everyone who has a brain!” Thanks Ginger, for helping me understand my brain."
"I found my way to the Brain Science Podcast from a physical therapist friend. We often talked about basic motor skill ideas I used in my trampoline classes and he directed me to this incredible ongoing site where an advanced and accessible neuroscience keeps me tuned into so much in this field. Understanding Proprioception for acrobatics is still my main focus, but great scientists from around the world interviewed here tempt me every month to look at this brain from yet another important perspective."
Rich H., Researcher and head injury survivor
"On December 8, 2006, I was injured in high speed auto accident, which left me with a severe head injury. The next week Ginger Campbell launched her Brain Science Podcast, but I don't remember those early weeks after my accident. Before the accident I had been studying Systems Neuroscience at Georgia Tech, which might explain why (according to my wife) I was constantly asking the doctors and nurses technical questions about the brain, even though I immediately forgot our conversations. I also found that while I could still read fluently, I was unable to remember what I read.
When I finally got home after spending over a month in 2 hospitals, I went into iTunes searching for podcasts about neuroscience. My professional interest in the topic had become quite personal! I was immediately drawn to the Brain Science Podcast. I found that Ginger was covering topics that either applied to my research or, more importantly, to my attempts to recover the neuroscience I had learned in the two years before my accident.
Six years later I still enjoy listening to the Brain Science Podcast. It helps me to review and consolidate things I have already learned, and to learn new things about different aspects of neuroscience."
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